Location: University of Alberta


DATES: Starting Monday, August 8, 2022




- Drop off is available at the front entrance of the building

- Please line up outside the front door of the facility, maintaining a physical distance of 2m

- All participants will exit the building at the front door and must not congregate in groups when they get picked up. To facilitate this, we have placed TAPE/MARKINGS outside the exit doors

-  Parents/guardians will be instructed to drop off and pick up their children on time without coming into the gym.

- Parents/guardians will be instructed to tell their children to follow instructions of Alegria Club staff when entering and exiting the facility.

- Prior to entering the facility, all individuals must fill out the Daily Screening Checklist. Daily checklists will be kept on file at Alegria Club. Staff will be collecting hard copies in the lobby, and electronic copies can be completed and submitted at

-When classes are completed, all individuals must leave promptly. Parents will be reminded to pick up their children on time.

- Parents will ensure that their children arrive dressed appropriately for class. We have closed our locker rooms until further notice.

- Prior to participating in any programming, all participants, parents/guardians, and club personnel must complete required RGA forms.




- Alegria Club maximum occupancy during Step 2 is 30 people

- Maximum Occupancy for the lobby is 15 people

- Maximum Occupancy for the main gym is 30 people





Alegria Club Cleaning and Sanitation Protocols:

- Our cleaning products have been approved by Health Canada to disinfect for Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.


- All gymnasts must have private equipment, no sharing water and food.


- Cleaning of the gym and washrooms is conducted by the Westmount Fitness Club staff. 




- Alegria Club Requires that prior to entering the facility, all individuals must complete the Daily Screening Checklist.

- Individuals must stay home if they are unwell or if someone in their household is sick, even if the symptoms are mild. They must also stay home if they have knowingly been exposed to someone who is sick.

- Individuals must not enter the facility or participate in any activity if they have, or someone from their household has, travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days.




- Alegria Head Coach Natalia Rybak, phone number 1 780 920 9484, email


-  Alegria Summer Training Whatsapp Group


- Alegria Registration Form




- Frequent handwashing


- Cough into your sleeve


- Wear a nonmedical mask


- No handshaking